FAQs- Victims Services

How do I look up information on the case where I was a victim?

Superior Court cases started entering into the system in 1995 when the courts were combined. Due to the nature of Superior Court felony cases, a case filed prior to 1995 may be partially entered into the system or may not be entered at all. Any cases not available in the system(s) can be researched through the Records Department by calling (805)654-2880.

If the offender was granted probation information can also be obtained by calling the Probation Agency at (805) 973-5100

The Crime Victim Assistance Unit can be reached by calling (805) 654-3622 or utilize the link below fro more information.

Collections unit can be reached by calling (805) 639-5010. In order to facilitate the process requires the defendant’s name and court case number.

Phone number (916) 227-4974
E-mail address – MegansLaw@doj.ca.gov
Mailing address:
California Department of Justice
Sex Offender Tracking Program
P. O. Box 903387
Sacramento, CA 94203-3870

All states receive Federal funds from OVC to help support local victim assistance and compensation programs. There are resources in your immediate area, State, and/or region that offer services to individuals who have been victimized by crime.

To access services click on the link http://ovc.ncjrs.gov/findvictimservices/

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