Goal 4 - Workforce
Goal 4 - Workforce
An inspired and diverse workforce, united in purpose, and dedicated to excellence.
1. Recruit, recognize, and retain talented and motivated staff.
2. Cultivate a supportive workplace that honors diversity and fosters respect, unity, engagement, safety, and well-being.
3. Establish pathways for advancement, continuous learning, and professional development.
4. Build and sustain high-performing, collaborative teams.
Performance measures
1. % of vacancies for peace officers filled within expected timelines
2. % of vacancies for civilian staff members filled within expected timelines
3. % of staff member performance reviews completed on time
Objective 1 Tasks:
Objective 1 | Recruit, recognize, and retain talented and motivated staff. | 07/01/2022 | 12/31/2025 | ||
Task 1 | Acknowledge employee award nominees in the newsletters and award program. Acknowledge employee award nominees by name and title in the agency newsletter and Employee Awards program. | 07/01/2022 | 09/30/2022 |
Completed |
Task 2 | Have the PSU assess the background process and improve it. Task the Professional Standards Unit with conducting a self-assessment of the background process to identify areas for improvement. Following this assessment, implement improvements that do not require Executive Committee approval and seek approval for all other proposed changes. Develop and implement a continuous quality improvement (CQI) plan to continually monitor the process. | 07/01/2022 | 10/31/2023 |
Completed |
Task 3 | Institute a college internship program with probation. Institute an internship program for college students interested in pursuing a career in probation. Human Resources should oversee the program; establish a process for recruiting, screening, and selecting interns; determine approved activities; and work with management to develop a curriculum specific to probation to ensure interns have a meaningful experience. If an internship program separate from the county internship program is not possible, the focus of this activity should be to develop a curriculum specific to probation, working within the parameters of the county program. Example: Orange County Probation intern program. | 07/01/2022 | 10/31/2023 |
Completed |
Task 4 | Form a workgroup to develop a comprehensive recruitment plan. Form a workgroup to develop a comprehensive recruitment program. It is recommended that the program include: 1) data-driven recruitment strategies; 2) targeted advertising of positions to key demographics, such as veterans, those returning to the workplace, and people seeking a second career; 3) updating recruitment videos and posting them on the VCPA website and social media pages; 4) metrics for determining current and future staffing needs; and 5) annual review of the program and a process for continually improving recruitment. The workgroup should consist of members from HR, the Professional Standards Unit, and professional/sworn management staff. | 07/01/2022 | 12/31/2025 | 0% | Not Started |
Task 5 | Form a workgroup to develop a comprehensive retention plan. Form a workgroup to develop a comprehensive program. It is recommended that the program include: 1) tracking and analyzing employee attrition and reasons for departures; and 2) annual review of the program and a process for continually improving retention. The workgroup should consist of members from HR, the Professional Standards Unit, and professional/sworn management staff. | 07/01/2022 | 12/31/2025 |
In Progress |
Task 6 | Improve the performance review process to add value and increase consistency in rating performance. Create a plan to streamline the performance review (PR) process and ensure that PRs are meaningful for employees and supervisors. As part of the plan, consider the following steps: 1) Review Lexipol Policy 452, Performance Reviews. Recommend that this policy be updated to represent current processes and expectations. 2) Have Exec obtain guidance from the County to confirm whether or not PR templates can be modified. Before assigning this activity to a workgroup, create a charter that defines the scope of this activity. 3) Create a workgroup to review and make recommendations regarding steps 4–7. 4) Work with the unions and County HR/LR to update the PR template if possible. 5a) Review critical task areas and decide what to rate in each area. 5b) Develop/identify benchmarks for EBPs that the agency follows. 5c) Rate data accuracy within the General Work Habits section (or Critical Tasks). 6) Train all staff who supervise employees and above on critical task areas of PRs and what will be rated. Training will also cover the importance of PRs and tips/tricks for managing the PR process. 7) Look into technology for managing PRs. | 01/01/2024 | 12/31/2025 | 0% | Not Started |
Task 7 | Create an educational career component for local high schools to share information about careers in probation. Coordinate and conduct research for Agency representatives to speak at high schools (work with VCOE’s Pathway Services). | 01/01/2024 | 12/31/2025 | 0% | Not Started |
Task 8 | Improve the student internship program (Summer at the County). Institute an internship program for high school students interested in pursuing a career in probation. Work with CEO’s HR to implement this County program at the Agency; establish a process for recruiting, screening, and selecting interns; determine approved activities; obtain management buy in and interest in implementing the program; and work with management to develop a curriculum specific to probation to ensure interns have a meaningful experience. | 01/01/2024 | 12/31/2025 | 0% | Not Started |
Objective 2 Tasks:
Objective 2 | Cultivate a supportive workplace that honors diversity and fosters respect, unity, engagement, safety, and well-being. | 07/01/2022 | 12/31/2023 | ||
Task 1 | Establish a Safety and Wellness Program. | 07/01/2022 | 11/01/2023 |
Completed |
Objective 3 Tasks:
Objective 3 | Establish pathways for advancement, continuous learning, and professional development. | 07/01/2022 | 12/31/2025 | ||
Task 1 | Disseminate to all staff approved training and conference opportunities. Disseminate to all staff information about approved trainings and conferences available outside of the agency, and establish an expectation that supervisors will encourage staff attendance at trainings relevant to their job functions. | 07/01/2022 | 09/30/2022 |
Completed |
Task 2 | Create a shared HR document with information to support promotional activities. Establish a shared document maintained by Human Resources that provides relevant and useful information to potential applicants seeking promotion within the agency. The information would include: 1) a detailed overview of the CEO-HR hiring/promotional process under each union; 2) a link to the CEO-HR website, which provides guidance in submitting a successful application and preparing for the oral exam/selection interview; and 3) information on seeking HR feedback regarding any past interviews. | 04/01/2023 | 10/31/2024 |
In Progress |
Task 3 | Refine the agency’s training plan so the agency oversees and prioritizes training and staff needs. Create a plan to update the agency’s training program. Steps include 1) assessing gaps in training, 2) identifying resources needed to address gaps (consider contracting with training providers) or staffing needs, 3) creating a plan that addresses the training needs of the entire agency and steps needed to put the plan in place, and 4) updating Lexipol training policy as needed. Consider hiring a consultant to conduct a gaps analysis and create the initial plan. Topics/activities to be evaluated and/or considered in the plan include but are not limited to accurate data entry, family engagement training, victim services training, an EBP training plan, coaching, and leadership training. Consider CEA, SLA, and a class on staff empowerment (for supervisors); team-building training; project management training; a series of classes on diversity, mutual respect, and inclusion within the workplace; a mentoring skills course/curriculum; training programs for civilian classifications; an IFT Program; Officer Safety training; Service Excellence training (Green Belt, yellow belt); training on running Lexipol reports; and training on the performance review process. (See workplan for detailed list of subtasks) | 06/01/2023 | 12/31/2025 | 0% | Not Started |
Objective 4 Tasks:
Objective 4 | Build and sustain high-performing, collaborative teams. | 07/01/2022 | 12/31/2025 | ||
Task 1 | Include a “Shout Out” section in the agency newsletter. Use quarterly agency newsletters to encourage teamwork by including a “Shout-Out” section in which employees recognize coworkers for good work or deeds. | 07/01/2022 | 12/31/2023 |
Completed |
Task 2 | Hire a full-time agency Project Manager to oversee agency projects. Hire a full-time agency Project Manager to oversee and coordinate designated agency projects to ensure each has defined goals, objectives, outcomes, and deliverables; that projects are in alignment with the agency’s strategic plan or are meeting a needed requirement; that progress is regularly reviewed and that adjustments are made as necessary; and that staff experience the satisfaction that their work on projects is producing results. The Chief and the Executive Committee should provide the Project Manager with the proper support and authority to perform their work. If a new position is not feasible, designate an existing employee as the Project Manager or contract for this work. | 07/01/2022 | 06/30/2024 |
Completed |
Task 3 | Create a Scope of Authority Workgroup to develop guidelines for all supervisory positions. Create a workgroup to establish scope of authority and decision-making guidelines for all agency supervisory staff positions. Becoming a high-performing team requires supervisors to have clear and proper decision roles and know how to make sound business decisions in a timely manner. Use a decision-driven structure rather than a traditional hierarchy with defined reporting roles. | 04/01/2023 | 12/31/2024 |
In Progress |
Task 4 | Evaluate the agency’s reassignment policy and recommend any needed improvements. Review the impact the Reassignment Policy has on the agency’s operations, including the effect on teamwork, project completion, client services/relationships, morale, staff promotability, stakeholder satisfaction, and level of services. Submit a report of recommended actions to the Chief and Executive Committee. | 01/01/2024 | 12/31/2024 | 0% | Not Started |
Task 5 | Expand the Service Excellence Program and create a standardized process for the program. Task the agency Project Manager or a designated employee with expanding the Service Excellence Program and creating standardized processes. Expanding the program will promote creative problem-solving and collaborative teamwork. Increasing overall awareness and understanding of the program will enable staff to make improvements to their business processes at all levels (Just Do Its). In addition, the agency Green Belts can facilitate Kaizens for larger projects related to agency strategic planning efforts, which will foster teamwork to creatively improve complex processes. | 01/01/2024 | 12/31/2024 | 0% | Not Started |
Task 6 | Create an online course/video of agency job functions. Create an online course or video describing the job functions in each unit or division. The course/video would be used as part of new employee orientation. | 01/01/2024 | 12/31/2024 | 0% | Not Started |
Task 7 | Adopt standardized project management practices, create a manual, and train employees. Adopt standardized project management practices and create a manual that includes a flowchart and templates for how to manage projects. Train staff involved in projects on these practices and how to use the manual. Institute a project management database (using Excel or other software) as part of standardized practices. | 06/30/2024 | 12/31/2025 | 0% | Not Started |