Goal 3 - Communication
Goal 3 - Communication
Transparent communication within the agency, with stakeholders, and with the community at large.
1. Strengthen relationships with the community and stakeholders by enhancing two-way communication.
2. Expand the agency’s communication infrastructure.
3. Address structural barriers to effective communication at the Juvenile Facilities.
Performance measures
1. % of staff members indicating satisfaction with frequency, depth, and clarity of Agency communications
2. % of Juvenile Facility staff members indicating satisfaction with frequency, depth, and clarity of internal communications
Objective 1 Tasks:
Objective 1 | Strengthen relationships with community and stakeholders by enhancing two-way communication. | 10/01/2023 | 12/31/2025 | ||
Task 1 | Develop an annual agency report template, issue a digital annual report beginning October 2024, and create an infographic of the report. Form a workgroup to develop an agency annual report template that includes information about the agency’s budget and staffing, performance and outcome data, division descriptions, and progress in achieving strategic plan goals. The annual report should be based on the agency’s fiscal year, released no later than October of each year, beginning in October 2024, produced digitally and posted on the agency website, and include an infographic summary report. | 10/01/2023 | 10/30/2024 |
In Progress |
Task 2 | Create a plan to engage the community and other stakeholders through live events, social media, and other activities. Schedule regular meetings that involve and engage the community to share information about the agency’s work, respond to questions or concerns from the community, and encourage an ongoing dialogue with community members between meetings. Meetings should occur at least bi-annually and could include town hall meetings led by the Chief and/or staff, focus groups, and feedback sessions. | 10/01/2023 | 12/31/2025 |
In Progress |
Task 3 | Increase agency visibility and awareness by involving staff in community events and recruitment efforts posted on an agency group calendar. Create an agency group calendar accessible to all staff that lists community and recruitment events that staff would be encouraged to attend to increase probation visibility and enhance community awareness of the agency’s work. Designate staff to manage and update the calendar regularly and coordinate recruitment events with HR to ensure agency presence. Communicate these opportunities and allow various employees to participate in these events. | 10/01/2023 | 12/31/2025 |
In Progress |
Task 4 | Redesign the agency’s internal and external websites. Work with county IT staff to update the agency’s internal and external website. Consider hiring a consultant to assist with content development, including pictures and videos, to make the websites more current and aligned with the agency’s strategic plan. Additionally, the consultant may work with IT and the PIO to develop a website sustainability plan. | 10/01/2023 | 12/31/2025 |
In Progress |
Task 5 | Implement a plan to promote the agency’s vision, mission, and values, including exploring working with a branding expert. Promote the agency’s vision, mission, and values in a variety of ways to increase staff buy-in. Recommended activities include: 1) Oversee the creation and dissemination of graphically designed posters reflecting the agency’s vision, mission, and values and post them in agency public spaces. 2) Conduct an agencywide contest that encourages units to design and post their own version of the vision, mission, and values poster. 3) Include the agency’s vision and mission on the back of all business cards ordered after September 1, 2022. 4) Create email signature stamps that promote the agency’s vision, mission, and values. 5) Require that supervisors talk with staff during annual performance reviews about the vision, mission, and values and the employees’ understanding of and alignment with them. 6) Create a Lexipol advisement to educate employees on the agency’s vision, mission, and values and how they are achieved. 7) Discuss the vision, mission, and values at unit meetings biannually. 8) Include questions in an annual survey to gauge employees’ understanding of the vision, mission, and values and how improvement around each can be achieved. 9) Convene a workgroup annually to review activities associated with promoting understanding and the successful achievement of the agency’s vision, mission, and values (based upon the inputs received through the annual survey) and to determine what, if any, additional steps need to be taken to achieve employee understanding and buy-in. 10) Consider using TVs in lobbies as ways to get message to clients/public | 10/01/2023 | 12/31/2025 |
In Progress |
Task 6 | Establish guidelines for Executive Committee regarding visiting worksites under their scope of authority Establish guidelines that all Executive Committee staff will visit an agency worksite quarterly under their scope of authority, varying days of the week and times of day to increase staff and management interaction. | 03/01/2024 | 12/31/2025 |
In Progress |
Objective 2 Tasks:
Objective 2 | Expand the agency’s communication infrastructure. | 07/01/2022 | 12/31/2025 | ||
Task 1 | Explore expanding the role of the PIO and/or hiring a Communications Manager. Explore expanding the role of the Public Information Officer (PIO) to include responsibility for enhancing internal and external agency communication, including writing press releases, managing social media accounts, overseeing website updates, creating an annual report, and assessing the agency’s long-term communication needs. This could involve hiring a full-time PIO/Communications Manager. | 07/01/2022 | 12/31/2025 |
Completed |
Objective 3 Tasks:
Objective 3 | Address structural barriers to effective communication at the Juvenile Facilities. | 09/01/2023 | 12/31/2025 | ||
Task 1 | Create a workgroup to utilize the JF message boards more effectively. Create a workgroup to study and recommend to the facility managers how to effectively utilize JF message boards and whether additional boards are needed. Special Functions and Operations SDPO should lead the workgroup and include SrDPOs and CSOs. The workgroup will develop a list of items for general information boards and a one-page template for facility-specific boards. The following are possible topics for a General Information Message Board: welcome to new employees, transfers/moves, current agency happenings, staff appreciation, employees of the month, vacancies/#of candidates in background process, announcements of minutes being posted and how to access them, and HR issues/updates. The following are possible topics for a Facility-Specific Message Board (Muster Room): open shifts, safety bulletins, recent incidents, JF population, youth transfers within the facility, and sick bed/COVID +. | 09/01/2023 | 12/31/2025 |
In Progress |
Task 2 | Establish procedures for CSOIIIs to conduct shift briefings and allow for staff to check emails. Establish procedures for CSOIIIs to conduct shift briefings and schedule time for emails. Evaluate the impact of established procedures on the effectiveness of communication methodology. | 01/01/2024 | 12/31/2025 |
In Progress |
Task 3 | Establish bi-annual and virtual JF town hall meetings. Establish biannual in-person and virtual JF town hall meetings that are mandatory for all staff and led by the Chief and/or Chief Deputy. Multiple sessions will occur to try to capture varied schedules. Town hall meetings establish regular, ongoing communication between the Chief and JF staff. Town hall meetings should include hot topics, legislative changes, upcoming activities or items, and a question-and-answer segment. | 01/01/2024 | 12/31/2025 |
In Progress |
Task 4 | Continuously evaluate communication barriers and ways to address them. Develop a plan to evaluate the effectiveness of strategies to improve communication at the JF and the process for addressing deficiencies. Evaluation efforts should be conducted annually, and evaluate the effectiveness of the JF message board, the frequency and effectiveness of shift briefings, the ability and success of staff being able to check emails, the level of JF participation in townhalls, and other JF communication activities implemented. Success targets should be identified for each strategy implemented. | 10/01/2024 | 12/31/2025 |
In Progress |
Task 5 | Have all JF housing leadership, including CSO IIIs, SDPOs, and DMs, visit the units regularly, engage in meaningful interactions with staff, and hold “office hours” for staff. Establish an expectation that all JF housing management will be present on the unit on an ongoing basis so they can be available for staff. In addition, establish regular “office hours” for staff to access management. | 03/01/2024 | 12/31/2025 |
In Progress |