Victim Services

The Ventura County Probation Agency is dedicated to supporting victims of crime. One of our core values is support. We focus on restoration by providing access to trauma-informed services and facilitating healing. Probation collaborates with justice system stakeholders and allied organizations, community-based partners, and community members to support victims and to provide evidence-based programming and other services to those under supervision.

Family Justice Center (FJC)

The mission of the FJC is to support and improve the lives of those impacted by family violence and trauma.

The FJC is a collaborative team from more than 40 public agencies and community-based organizations and volunteers dedicated to working together to help reduce trauma, eliminate repeat victimization, mitigate future risks, and make a lasting, positive difference in the lives of those we serve and their families. Through our welcoming community and comprehensive, holistic services that focus on the whole person, Ventura County FJC empowers and supports survivors of all ages and their families.

Domestic Violence and Victim Loss Statement

When a person is convicted of a domestic violence offense and granted probation, the victim’s safety is of upmost importance. Once the client is assigned a Deputy Probation Officer (Probation Officer), they will make every effort to promptly contact the victim. The Probation Officer will also discuss victim safety concerns, resources available to the victim and explain that there are no guarantees the client will not reoffend. After the initial phone contact, the Probation Officer will mail the victim a victim letter, along with their business card, a Victim Information Brochure with available resources and contact information, and a card for the Ventura County Family Justice Center,

During the client’s probation grant, the Probation Officer will make reasonable efforts to contact the victim on a regular basis, to obtain information regarding the client’s behavior toward the victim. The Probation Officer will also be responsive to reports from the victim regarding their concerns. The Probation Officer will notify the victim if the client is terminated from the court ordered domestic violence counseling or is being returned to court for violations of his/her probation terms.

Clients are statutorily required to attend a 52-week Batterer’s Intervention Program (BIP), commonly referred to as domestic violence counseling. The trained program counselor will make reasonable efforts to contact the victim separately from the client, both verbally and in writing, within 30 days of the client’s enrollment in counseling. The counselor will also advise the victim of community support services, the client’s probation officer’s name and contact information, and a copy of the client’s contract for BIP. The program will be responsive to any reported victim concerns while the client is in counseling.

Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC Youth)

An assessment, Commercial Sexual Exploitation Identification Tool (CSE-IT), is used to determine youth (10 – 17 years old) that need services related to sexual exploitation and human trafficking. If the youth scores “clear concern” on the risk assessment, the Deputy Probation Officer will contact Child Protective Services and relay the information. Child Protective Services will then make any appropriate referrals to provide services to the youth.  The youth are typically referred to Forever Found for counseling and ongoing mentoring.  

Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking Community Awareness Toolkit

Forever Found R.E.A.C.H 24/7 Crisis Response Team (805) 261-1212
(Responding to Exploited Adolescents with Care and Hope)

Interface Children and Family Service
24/7 Family Violence and Human Trafficking Response Hotline 1-800-636-6738

Mental Health


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